Cookie Policy

Cookie Policy

This cookie policy is intended for users of the website operated by ANADOLU MOTOR.

What is a Cookie?

Cookies are small text files that a website uses to store information on a user's device. These files are stored by the browser and used to remember and store various information during the use of the website.

Cookie Usage

ANADOLU MOTOR may use cookies to improve user experience, analyze the site, and provide our services. These cookies may include information such as how you use the site, which pages you look at, and your preferences.

Types of Cookies

Mandatory Cookies: Used to provide basic functions and ensure the proper functioning of the website.

Performance Cookies: Used to understand and improve how you use our website.

Targeting and Advertising Cookies: Used to provide content and advertisements that are relevant to your interests.

Controlling Cookies

You can control cookies using your browser settings. However, disabling some cookies may result in certain features of our website not working.

This cookie policy was updated on 18.12.2023 and may include changes. You are responsible for regularly visiting our website to keep abreast of changes to the policy.

Contact us

If you have any questions about our cookie policy, please contact us at antor@anadolumotor.