Anadolu Motor, Yeni Zeytin Hasat ve Çapa Makinelerini Bursa Tarım Fuarı'nda Sergileyecek

Türkiye'nin önde gelen motor üretim ve performans şirketi Anadolu Motor, 9 - 13 Ekim arasında tatile çıkacak Bursa 16. Uluslararası, Tarım, Tohumculuk, Fidancılık ve Süt Endüstrisi Fuarı'nda çapadan motopompa, zeytin hasat makinesinden tırpana yayılan gen
Anadolu Motor added a diesel large hoeing machine to its Antrac hoe portfolio, which it strengthens with new models every year. Introduced at Konya Fair, the new large hoe Antrac 510 will meet farmers in Bursa.
The Antrac 510, which has a domestic engine and domestic transmission that Anadolu Motor has started to produce at its facility in Şekerpınar, stands out with its ease of use and robustness. The Antrac 510 hoeing machine, which has Anadolu Motor's own 12-horsepower Antor diesel engine, makes life easier for farmers in all kinds of difficult working conditions.
Anadolu Motor will also exhibit the olive harvesters that it has recently added to its product range at the Bursa Agriculture Fair. The locally produced olive harvester Antrac Oliva is ideal to use with its battery-powered system, telescopic extension system, ergonomic structure, and lightweight body. Antrac Oliva's combed structure ensures that the product is collected with little waste without damaging the product while attracting attention with the lowest sprout breakage rate.
Thanks to its ease of use, Antrac Oliva allows the harvesting of approximately 5 times more products at the same time compared to harvesting with traditional methods. The Italian IBEA Olive Harvester, which Anadolu Motor will bring together with farmers, offers farmers great convenience in harvesting with its battery-powered system, ergonomic handle, standard telescopic system up to 3.4 meters and a weight of 2.7 kg.
Anadolu Motor will also bring together a Bahco chainsaw and pruning machine, Antrac diesel and gasoline generator, water pump, scythe, pressure washer, as well as Honda Power Products engine, water pump, generator, hoeing machine, lawn mower, and lawn tractor, which it has been distributing for more than 30 years, with the farmers of Bursa at the Bursa Agricultural Fair.